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The art of public speaking

Public speaking is an art, and refining your skills is essential to delivering a powerful speech.

I once participated in a 3-Minute Thesis Competition in Canberra, Australia, where I learned the importance of returning to the basics. The competition challenged me to summarise my research in just three minutes, using only one static slide. It was a thrilling event that tested my ability to convey my findings to a broad audience.

As a public speaker, I was asked why I participated in a 3-minute competition when I’m already an experienced public speaker. My answer to this question is that, returning to the basics is crucial to refining your speech presentation style. The basics are the building blocks of any powerful speech ever given. In a 3-Minute Thesis Competition, you must introduce your research, explain why you chose that topic, explain how you conducted your research, present your key findings, and draw a conclusion.

Using the 3-minute approach, here is how to prepare for your presentation:

Before you craft an hour-long speech, summarise it in 3 minutes using just 450 words if it is in written form, or record it within 3 minutes and include all the essential parts of a speech: the introduction, main body, and the conclusion.

Then, you must expand your speech using the blocks you have laid down. This exercise will help you refine your presentation style and make your message concise and clear. Remember that public speaking is an art, and knowing the basics is vital to delivering a powerful speech.


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